Chicken Cacciatore in Italian is actually Pollo Alla Cacciatora. It’s a hearty dish that literally translated means Hunter’s Style Chicken. It’s traditionally made with Rabbit rather than chicken, but because rabbit is not an animal that (in America at least) is looked at as something to eat, in America we make the dish with chicken. In this case because the chicken has to cook for a reasonably longer period of time we use chicken thighs as opposed to the breast.  There are literally hundreds of variations on this specific dish. No family makes it the same way, but one thing is (in my opinion) a must and that is the use of mushrooms as part of the classic dish. In fact mushrooms belong more so than do capers or olives. The dish also features tomatoes which can be canned or fresh. With all of that said it’s a classic dish that belongs in the skillset of all American-Italian cooks.